Massage therapy is the assessment and treatment of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue and joints of the body. This is achieved primarily by hands-on manipulation and can include Neurological and Orthopedic Tests, manipulation of the soft tissue, hydrotherapy, thermotherapy, remedial exercises, and patient education.
Initial Visit
During your 60 or 90 minute appointment, we go over your health history, perform a full assessment (which may include having you perform some orthopedic tests and movements), and create a treatment plan with you. Massage treatment is provided in the time remaining and home care instructions will be given.
Special notes: Arrive a few minutes early (especially if you need to fill in your health history forms) and make yourself comfortable in our waiting area. You will be called when we are ready for you.
Follow-up Visit
30, 45, 60, and 90-minute appointment times are available.
Your RMT will continue with your current plan of care if your reason for treatment remains the same. If you are seeking treatment for a new/different condition, a new plan of care to address the new area(s) of focus will be established with you.